Monday, May 26, 2014

The California Red Sided Garter Snake!

California Red Sided Garter Snake...

Can You Draw A Circle???

How To Draw A Circle...

B-29 Cockpit

The Cockpit of a B-29...

A Very Long Blackberry!

An Elongated Blackberry...

Zeppelin Construction in 1935

The construction of a Zeppelin in 1935...


Most of you can figure this one out...

These are habit forming...
But no Warning on the label...

What Can You Do With 38,300 Pennies???

This car is covered with 38,300 pennies...

Remembering Memorial Day with Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan's famous Memorial Day Speech...

New Walmart Convenience Store Concept!

This has a good chance of catching on...
The prices at this Walmart To Go store are much lower than the average convenience stores...

Friday, May 23, 2014

A Check For Babe Ruth in 1927!

A Check to Babe Ruth...
In 1927...
For 2 1/2 weeks work...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Smoking Car!

Have you ever had a car that smoked...

Grilled Macaroni and Cheese Sandwich

This looks yummy...

Great Name For A Street!

Could you live on this street...

San Francisco Stairs

Beautiful stairs in San Francisco...

When You Are Really Scared!!!

Have you ever been this scared...

Is this the proper way to eat a salad...

Watch This One Closely

Watch Closely...
But not for more than 30 seconds...

Beautiful Hummingbird

What a beautiful Hummingbird...

Good Name For A Street Sign!

Good name for a street sign...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dog Vs. Leaf Blower!

When a Dog battles a Leaf Blower...

How To Fix A Hole In The Wall

Easy way to fix a hole...

Got Rhythm!

So...This bird really has rhythm...

Wyoming Cloud!

A menacing cloud over Wyoming...

Works for Hershey Chocolates

So...The owner works for Hershey's Chocolates...

Mean Looking Water Spout!

This amazing water spout appeared in Tampa Bay...

Mechanical Rabbit

So...This Rabbit was made from parts of a Watch...

Thief Picks Wrong Store to pull a knife!!!

So...He thought this would be an easy robbery when he pulled his knife...

A Really Long Backyard!

So...He has a long backyard...
And only a push mower...

Japanese Water Garden

How beautiful...


Will the sign work...


Friends For Life...

No Robberies or Break-ins Reported in this area!

Neighborhood Watch...

Foul Ball

So...It almost hit you...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Godzilla Anger Management!

Godzilla always struggled with anger management issues...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This Is A Morgan!

What a beautiful car...
The Morgan with some parts made of wood...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Something is Fishy!

So...He heard the can opener...
And now something smells fishy...

How Stress Disorder Begins!!!

So...This is how stress disorder begins...

New Loafers!

Yes...This is a new pair of Loafers...

Strawberry Glazed Donuts!

These are yummy...

Across The Street From Taco Bell

Yes...This is just across the street from Taco Bell...


McDonald's Menu in 1972...